Community Contributions > Q&A

DBISAM Engine Error #8708


Secretary Sue:
Note: This post only applies to the Legacy database!

I was updating a clubber's records in the Speed Mode to reflect books completed in previous years at another church when I received this message .....................DBISAM Engine Error #8708 Record has been changed or deleted by another user, session, or table cursor in the table 'Book'.  I haven't used this entry mode very much.  What did I do wrong?  What did I miss?  What did I click that I shouldn't have?  The record seems to be updated in the way I wanted but I don't know what this message means.

Unless this is a frequent recurring message, I wouldn't worry. I get that message once in a while. I think entering commands (keystrokes) too quickly may trigger this message. I click "Continue" and all seems well.  ;)

Rick Leffler:
You didn't do anything wrong, code 8708 is just a message to alert you that the "view" of the data presently on your screen was not a perfect representation of the data actually in the database at that moment because some other user, or some other screen, or some other background process changed it since the moment you first opened that record.  You should see this very rarely, and I may have a minor bug to chase down. If you can reproduce the message at-will, please let me know the steps.


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